Orientation Retreat
Take time out and foster your own development
„It‘s important to set aside half an hour a day to reflect, that is unless you are very busy; in that case you will need an entire hour.“ after Franz von Sales
Giving your life a new direction requires time off to reflect without the burden of life‘s everyday distractions. Noted for its beautiful countryside, the Allgäu in the very south of Germany is ideal as a retreat. It also has much to offer in the way of leisure activities.
Clients who travel several hundred kilometers to take part in coaching sessions at my office appreciate the opportunity to leave work and home far behind. On their trip to and from Sulzberg near Kempten they enjoy the landscape with its green meadows and mountains. Too, the distance they cover gives them time to clear their mind and center themselves.
Combine the pleasant side of life with the prospect of fostering your own personal growth. Put the two together and book our vacation and coaching package.
Here‘s what you do
„Outdoor Coaching“ special offers
Try our „Full-Service-Coaching-Package“
Here‘s what you do
Before you leave for your vacation we arrange over the phone when and how often you wish to meet and which offer you prefer.
You can choose from
- coaching sessions from 60 to 90 minutes, half-day and full-days
- daily sessions or with breaks of several days inbetween
- at my office, at your hotel or guesthouse, outdoors
- follow-up coaching after your vacation at your home, over the phone on a regular basis or whenever you need it.
"Outdoor Coaching" - special offers
- Take time every day to reflect when I join you for a walk or a run
- Leave your worries and cares at the foot of the mountain - and have your coaching session on your way to the mountain top
- Let blockages follow the riverflow - with a coaching session on a riverbank.
Book accommodation directly at:
www.sulzberg.de ,www.waltenhofen.de,
www.oy-mittelberg.de, www.nesselwang.de,
www.bad-hindelang.de, www.tannheimertal.at, www.fuessen.de, www.sonthofen.de, www.immenstadt.de, www.oberstdorf.de, www.fischen.de, www.kleinwalsertal.at
Or alternatively take advantage of our „Full-Service-Coaching-Package“:
Coaching is one part of the package. Your accommodation another. I want it to be exactly right for you. My partner, Kongressagentur Dammer (KAD: www.kongressagentur.net) will be glad to help you find the setting that best suits your coaching process. A fee of € 125 (special agreement*) is charged for this service.
You let KAD know if your wishes include
- mountain view, lake view, panoramic view, woodland view, meadow landscape
- farmhouse, guesthouse, hotel
- mountain cabin, comfortable or luxurious 1st class accommodation, self-catering
- balcony, terrace, desk and PC
- specific leisure activities nearby.
All you then need to do is:
call me first and we will line your coaching sessions to fit in with your vacation dates. I will then inform KAD.
Our „Full-Service-Coaching-Package“ includes the following services:
- KAD will contact you by phone, ask you for details and confirm the details you stated in a fax message.
- KAD will contact six suitable addresses and book available accommodation with no commitment for you for a period of up to one week.
- Depending on the season and whether your query is on short notice, between three and six suggestions for accommodation will be sent to you.
- KAD will discuss the options with you on the phone.
- You will receive a „welcome-package“ on your accommodation and on the Allgäu region in southwestern Germany.
- If it turns out that accommodation is for some reason or other not available (i.e. it‘s the main season, your request is on too short notice, or your special requests cannot be fulfilled) KAD will charge a flat fee of € 50. You will receive in exchange a list of all hotels and guesthouses that KAD contacted on your behalf.
- For an agreed extra fee KAD will also gladly put together a list of wellness centers and a program of leisure activities nearby. If you wish, KAD will also take care of the booking. All you need to do is to arrive safe and sound. The setting is ideal and you have all the time for yourself you need.
*Helping you find the accommodation of your dreams is by way of special agreement between KAD and Hans-Peter Wellke, Partner for Personnel Development, and is available only as a coaching package. When calling KAD please refer to my name and address.